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why go Brazil







Why Go Brazil

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BRAZIL with its 185 million inhabitants, has become one of the most attractive countries for international business.


Not only for its growing market, but because it is the leader of a growing continent, South America's market is almost the same average as Euro area countries, with 380 million consumers.








Also Brazil is growing in average more than 5%/year (9% 1st semester 2010), and has become world leader in agro-industries, as main supplier of China. The raw materials are also playing a big role, because Brazil held's to major companies in the area: VALE do Rio Doce, Worldwide leader and PETROBRAS, national oil company that exploits the oil and gaz resources of the PRE-SAL.



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PRE-SAL is already working and it's huge oil and gas fields in deep waters, already being extracted. Since them all international oil businesses are heading Brazil. PETROBRAS is not only exploiting the natural resources near RIO/S. PAULO, but also building new refineries, petrochemical plants and shipyards to supply the oil/gas industry.

Brazil will become also the place for FIFA 2014 Soccer World Cup and will receive 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Brazil now faces political and economical stability, with its new President elected, first woman in the countries history, and with its currency Real, becoming a strong currency in international markets.